- Starter Pack:
- This is a MUST HAVE package to ensure that your Self Defence training starts off with the correct and solid foundation to build upon!
- Explanation of our Salute.
- Most people have the WRONG stance – Make sure you’re not one of them!
- Effective Blocking with Shape 1 – There’s more to it than meets the eye!
- Quick counters with two simple punches – works beautifully with Shape 1!
- Building reaction speed – learn to fight on instinct at a sub-conscious level!
- The training is not just Physical – it’s Mental & Psychological too!
- Hammer Strikes with Shape 1 Attack:
- Learn how to effectively throw two powerful hammer strikes WHILST still blocking at the SAME TIME!
- Make Shape 1 into an Attack!
- Put them all together for a scary combo strike!
- Look at throwing the Internal Hammer differently for a more precise attack!
- Defending Against 3 Attackers:
- Use the techniques learnt so far to fight off 3 attackers.
- Start learning how to effectively MOVE in a ‘multiple attacker’ scenario.
- Learn the different types of the ¼ Turn.
- Attack WITH the ¼ Turn!
- Understand the 180 Turn in detail!
- Learn how to ‘Hunt’ down your opponents!
- NOTE – you need to train the first two areas BEFORE training in this area.
Cost for 15 videos – $69.99 one-off payment

Frequently Asked Questions
What experience do I need?
No experience is required whatsoever. These Home Videos are for people of all levels of experience, including complete beginners.
How many HVOC Packages do you plan to make?
Defence Lab is all about ‘Reality Based Self Defence’ which means that there is a VAST amount of amazing training to benefit from in so many different areas of study. Why? Simply because there are so many different possibilities to be found in real life scenarios.
Therefore these HVOC Packages will be taking you on a journey…… and it really does depend on how far you want to take your training.
We have people training with Defence Lab for many years and they are still learning new skills and increasing their understanding. So you will never get bored!
What equipment do I need?
No equipment is needed. People can obviously use punching bags and focus mitts when training with a partner to help in their overall training experience but in reality, one can also easily train solo in shadow, so no equipment is really needed.
Do I need a partner?
There are many benefits in training with a partner but in reality this is not always possible and so many Self Defence and Martial Arts practitioners train solo in shadow as well. Not having a partner should never be an excuse not to train.
What skills will I develop?
Apart from physical fitness and mental well-being, you will also develop many other KEY skills as follows:
- First and foremost, you will be learning ‘life-saving’ Self Defence skills.
- Increased Confidence, Self-belief and Empowerment – feeling more dangerous naturally gives you more confidence, which in turn automatically makes you less likely to be seen as a target by others.
- A greater understanding of street violence and how best to avoid it.
- Improved overall balance.
- Greater speed and strength.
- Better physical co-ordination.
- And all of the above Life-skills are also transferrable and beneficial in other areas of one’s life.